Objective: Study living organisms and all their wonders!
Week 1: Zoology
Draw a food chain or food web
Research where in the world the animals can be found.
Draw and label the body parts of different animals.
Think about what makes each animal special.
Endemic Animals Around the World
Classify the animal (video) and study further those animals related.
Learn about vertebrates and invertebrates.
1. Study animals in books together.
2. Compare and contrast animals: How is one different from another and how are they similar?
3. Play with toy animals and make a pretend habitat for them.
4. Choose an animal to imitate; move, sleep, eat, and live like them.
Interactive Websites
American Museum of Natural History: Zoology
Google Earth: Animal Quiz Sounds; Animals of the World
For Teachers
Weekly Lesson Schedule: Introduction to Zoology
Printable: Vertebrates and Invertebrates
Printable: Dinosaurs
Shark Tank The T-Rex used tools?!
Week 2: Botany
The Life Cycle of a Plant
Take walks and examine every plant and every tree and all their lovely parts
Take pictures of different trees and learn more about them
Collect leaves and compare them, watch them change
Paint/draw or fold flowers (Videos)
Dissect a flower (video)
Go on a plant treasure hunt for colors of the rainbow.

Interactive Websites
Google Earth: National Parks
Week 3: Microorganisms
Guide to Teaching Kids About Cells
Curious Kids: what are cells made out of?
Microorganisms | The Dr. Binocs Show
Life in a Drop of Water
Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi
All about micro-organisms
Cells for Kids
All About Cells and Cell Structure
Inside the Cell
Biology: Cell Structure

Week 4: Human body
Explore self and identify parts, functions, and systems of your body
Ask questions about these human components
Human Body 101
Human digestive system
Human body organs for kids