Objective: Communicate, interact, and comprehend efficiently and effectively. Handle emotions with care. Distinguish want from need. Attend to the needs of yourself and others with intention, kindness, and patience.
Skill | Work on sharing together. First and foremost, the teacher models good sharing practices. |
Articles (Teacher) | Getting Preschoolers to Share…How Do You Do It? 11 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share Teaching Kids To Share |
Read aloud book (Student) | Should I Share My Ice Cream by Mo Willems Read Aloud an Elephant and Piggie Book My Turn, Your Turn: A Story About Sharing (Bright Start) |
Skill | Learn proper manners and etiquette based on how you want you and your family to act. Reward and make light of things, as with all skills we are working on, patience is at the heart. Model those good manners! |
Video (Student) | Good manners |
Activity | Make a posters with all the good manners to follow at mealtime, when having guests, and in general. Alternatively, write bad manners on the backside and preferably make them funny as a fun exercise. |
Skill | Awareness of others’ feelings. Teacher, regularly get in the shoes of your student. Come to their level, see their world from their eyes. Model empathetic behavior and genuinely care for others around you. Want for others what you want for yourself, truly. Naturally, the student may follow suit. |
Video (Student) | R.I.S.E. Song: Respect, Integrity, Safety, Empathy |
Read aloud book | Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes The Invisible Boy by Trudy Ludwig |
Skill | Self awareness: Handling anger. Teacher, respond to others in a beautiful way. Do not let yourself get rattled. Control your anger. If it is not something that benefits you let it go. Do not let anyone or anything control your inner world. Today is the perfect day to practice, no matter what hold back. Let it go. Rise above. Respond with kindness. Shake it up, change the game. Forgive and be humble. |
Video (Student) | Anger Management for Kids! |
Article (Teacher) | PARENTS ANGER: Turning Down the Heat in Your Home |
Read aloud book | When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry… I Was So Mad by Mercer Mayer |
Skill | Listening/paying attention. Teacher has had more practice with listening so can model the important skill. Listen to the world around you, engage in less chatter and open your mind. Really listen; can you hear you heart beating, your lungs expanding and contracting, the shadows retreating across the land? Can you hear the movement of earth’s creatures and the buzzing of the bee? |
Video (Student) | Listening Power |