
Experiment with mediums or stick with the classics. See below for two approaches.:

Week 1: Chalk

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Week 2: Clay, sand, mud

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Week 3: Paint

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Week 4: Draw

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_20190208_100205.jpg

The first approach of two approaches offered here, is to freestyle and play with art. Go wild (i.e. a messy project) or keep it low key (pencil and scratch paper).

Process over Product
Process with a little bit of product in mind.
Make an art installation.
Tools: To Use or Not to Use? (Video: When We First Made Tools)
Not to use.

The second approach is to hone the artist’s eye. In other words, see things without assigning words/labels to what one is seeing. The artist’s eye first learns to see and copy. Once this sufficient, one can learn the myriad of techniques that exist to assist the artist in achieving a certain product. Everyone is an artist.
(Article: How to Train Your Eyes to See like an Artist)

Enjoy the beauty of color. Video: THE COLOR WHEEL * Basic Color Theory for Kids
Marvel math.
Contemplate shapes and beyond. (Video: Recognizing Shapes)
Take a close look at wildlife.