
Topic to Explore/Research together: Chemistry of Space (Interstellar reactions)

Website: Universe

Article: Where does Interstellar space begin?

Article: Gallery of space images

Video (Student): Space Compilation: Crash Course Kids

Video(Teacher): SAF, Season 14 – Episode 5 – The Dark Side of the Universe

Video (Student): StoryBots Outer Space

Activity: Sit outside and observe the stars on a clear night, ask questions, and see where your imaginations take you.

Radio (Podcast): The Search at Edge of the Solar System

Search Engine Query: What does space sound/look/smell/feel like? What is a star made of? What kind of stars are there? How many stars are there in the sky? What is space made of? How far have we traveled in space? Is there life beyond earth?

Printout: Coloring pages

Interactive: Mindy’s Constellation Exploration | Ready Jet Go!

Interactive: SkyMap; Night Sky

Book: The Darkest Dark – By Chris Hadfield and Kate Fillion, Illustrated by The Fan Brothers

Family Film: The Year of Pluto – New Horizons Documentary

Live Stream: NASA Live: Official Stream of NASA TV

Sensory Video: What does space smell like?

Field (Outside home): Star parties, planetariums, local astronomy events, observatories, night hikes, and camping in dark sites