“To be, or not to be” – William Shakespeare
Reading & Writing: Alphabets | Song | Song | In Depth |
SAT/SUN | English | English | English |
MON | 普通话 | 普通话 | 普通话 |
TUE | Español | Español | Español |
WED | Le français | Le français | Le français |
THUR | русский | русский | русский |
FRI | عربى | عربى | عربى |
Animalia | ASL | 普通话 | Español | (le) français | русский | العَرَبِيَّة |
![]() | Lion | 狮子 Shīzi | león video | lionne (f)/lion (m) | лев lev | أسد asad |
![]() | Ape | 猿 Yuán | simio | Singe | обезьяна obez’yannichat’ | قرد qarad |
![]() | Bat | 蝙蝠 Biānfú | murciélago | Chauve souris | Летучая мышь Letuchaya mysh’ | وطواط wahtwaht |
![]() | Bird | 鸟 Niǎo | pájaro | Oiseau | птица ptitsa | عصفور esfwr |
![]() | Bear | 熊 Xióng | oso(m) osa(f) | Ourse(f)/Ours(m) | медведь medved’ | دب daba |
![]() | Spider | 蜘蛛 Zhīzhū | araña | araignée | паук pauk | العنكبوت aleankabut |
![]() | Ant | 蚂蚁 Mǎyǐ | hormiga | fourmi | муравей muravey | نملة namla |
Animalia: Incorporate the animals into your day. Learn and share knowledge about them. Draw, sculpt, paint, play games, tell stories/read/watch videos about, and/or act like them. Practice saying, reading, and writing their names in different languages, especially Chinese.
AM DISCUSSION (‘Coffee in the Round‘)
Daily Scripts
Daily Script | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday/Sunday |
Day |
星期一 |
Martes | Mercredi | четверг chetverg | الجمعة aljumea |
Today is… | 今天是星期一 Jīntiān shì xīngqí yī |
Hoy es martes | Nous sommes mercredi aujourd’hui. | Сегодня четверг Segodnya chetverg |
اليوم الجمعة alyawm aljumea |
Today is Saturday/Sunday |
Language | 普通话 Pǔtōnghuà |
Español | (le) français | русский russkiy | العَرَبِيَّة al-ʻarabiyyah |
Good Morning | 早安! Zǎo ān! |
Buenos Dias | Bonjour | Доброе утро! Dobroye utro! | صباح الخير sabah alkhyr |
Good morning! |
Hello | 你好 Nǐ hǎo |
Hola | Bonjour | Привет Privet | السلام عليكم alsalam ealaykum |
Hello |
How are you? | 你好吗? Nǐ hǎo ma? |
¿Cómo estás? | Comment ça va? | Как дела? Kak dela? |
كيف حالك؟/كيف حالكي؟/كيف حالكما؟/ kayf halk?(m)/kif halik?(f)/kif halikm?(pl) |
How are you? |
I am well, thank you | 我很好,谢谢。 Wǒ hěn hǎo, xièxiè. |
Estoy bien, gracias. | Je vais bien, merci. | Я хорошо, спасибо. A khorosho, spasibo. |
انا بخير شكرا iinaa bikhayr shukraan |
I am fine. Thank you. |
What color is the sky? | 天空是什么颜色? Tiānkōng shì shénme yánsè? |
¿De que color es el cielo? | De quelle couleur est le ciel? | Какого цвета небо?
Kakogo tsveta nebo? |
ما هو لون السماء؟ ma hu lawn alsama’a? |
Sky Color? |
The sky is blue. | 天是蓝的。 Tiān shì lán de. |
El cielo es azul. | Le ciel est bleu. | Небо голубое. Nebo goluboye. |
السماء زرقاء alsama’ zurqa’ |
Blue |
Memorize | ASL | Español | (le) français | русский | العَرَبِيَّة |
Greetings | ASL | Español | (le) français | русский | العَرَبِيَّة |
MON | TUE | WED | THUR | FRI | |
Social Emotional Skills | Work on sharing together. Above all model sharing. | Good manners | Awareness of others’ feelings | Self awareness: Handling anger | Listening/Paying attention |
Video (Student) | Sharing | ||||
Articles (Teacher) | Getting Preschoolers to Share…How Do You Do It? 11 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share Teaching Kids To Share | ||||
Read aloud book | Should I Share My Ice Cream by Mo Willems Read Aloud an Elephant and Piggie Book |
Safety Skills
Objective: Build the footing for deeply understanding one’s location in the world.
Constantly converse about where you are in relation to where you are going and where you have been. (See below.) | Introduce the cardinal directions, maps Printout: Cardinal Directions and Map Song: The Directions Song | Explain Where, whom, when, what, in relation to time (morning, afternoon, night) | Memorize phone numbers/addresses, routines for emergency situations | Learn how to tell time using the sun (time), and navigate the stars |
- “We are driving down Sugar Lane coming from 123 Elm Street, and will turn right at Beeker Street. Which direction do you think we turn once we get to the next intersection?”
- “I am heading downstairs from the bedroom to the kitchen that faces the backyard on a hill which overlooks the busy street below.”
- “We are walking West, toward the ocean, North of us are the mountains that extend to the East, where the sun rises.” Where do you think the sun sets?
- “We are passing the police station, did you notice the fire station that came before on the opposite side of the street? What other municipal buildings are just up ahead?”
Playtime: Draw your own treasure maps, build block roads/cities, and give/receive directions around the house/yard, however nonsensical they may be. No corrections here, give student as much freedom as possible.
Science & Math Vocabulary (Colors, Shapes, & Numbers)
When you see it, mention it, preferably in your primary language and others until you are both very familiar with this vocabulary in all the languages of the program, or of your choice. Also talk together about the qualities of the word, and/or work them casually into lessons or playtime.
Science/Math Vocab | English | 普通话 | Español | (le) français | русский | العَرَبِيَّة | ASL |
Color | Blue | 蓝色 Lán sè Video: Learn Your Colours | azul Song: ¡Colores, colores! | bleue (f) bleu (m) | синий siniy | أزرق ‘azraq | blue Video: Colors of the Rainbow |
Shape | Circle | 圈 Quān | circulo | cercle | круг krug | دائرة dayira | circle |
Numbers Video: 1-100 | 0(zero), 1(one), 2(two), 3(three) | 零 / 〇 Líng, 一Yī, 二 Èr, 三 Sān Video: 1-10 | cero, uno, dos, tres Video: 1-10 | zéro, un, deux, trois Video: 1-10 | ноль, один, два, три nol’, odin, dva, tri Video: 1-10 | صفر ، واحد ، اثنان ، ثلاثة sifr, wahid, athnan, thlath Video: 1-10 | 0,1,2,3 Video: 1-10 |
Scientific Afternoon Wind Down Round table
The Human, Anatomy, and People:
Body Parts | Clothing |
English | English |
普通话 | 普通话 |
Español Español | Español |
française | française |
русский | русский |
عربى | عربى |
Learn the vocabulary and/or explore the concepts in your conversations and play: | 普通话 | Español | (le) français | русский | العَرَبِيَّة | ASL |
Family: Practice writing/reading the personal names of those in your family. Write letters or make greeting cards for family. Set up a weekly/daily chat with family members and learn things together. Learn vocabulary for the following: (mother/father/sister/brother/grandmother/grandfather/aunt/uncle) | Family Video | Family Video | Family (Video) | Family Video | Family Video | Family Video |
Anatomy (Kindergarten)
Muscular System
Natural Science Concepts
Elements of Nature
So much to be explored! So much to contemplate. Let the questions and imaginations fly! Work your way through the daily activities/ material below in no particular order. Otherwise use the suggestions to choose something else more in line with your curiosity or experience. The objective here is to build excitement for worlds known and unknown.
Topic to Explore/Research together… | |
Website | |
Article | |
Article | |
Video (Student) | |
Video(Teacher) | |
Video (Music/Dance/Fitness) | |
Activity | |
Radio (Podcast) | |
OK Google | |
Printout | |
Interactive | |
Book | |
Family Film | |
Live Stream | |
Sensory | |
Field (Outside home) |
Topic to Explore/Research together… | |
Website | |
Article | |
Article | |
Video (Student) | |
Video(Teacher) | |
Video (Music/Dance/Fitness) | |
Activity | |
Radio (Podcast) | |
OK Google | |
Printout | |
Interactive | |
Book | |
Family Film | |
Live Stream | |
Sensory | |
Field (Outside home) |
FRIDAY | Water |
Topic to Explore/Research together… | |
Website | |
Article | |
Article | |
Video (Student) | |
Video(Teacher) | |
Video (Music/Dance/Fitness) | |
Activity | |
Radio (Podcast) | |
OK Google | |
Printout | |
Interactive | |
Book | |
Family Film | |
Live Stream | |
Sensory | |
Field (Outside home) |